

The Holt Estate takes its obligations to the natural environment very seriously.

During much of the last century the coastal sand foredune fringing the site along Boat Harbour and Bate Bay was denuded of native vegetation by sea and wind erosion. In the 1950s a successful revegetation program was commenced by the Holt Estate to stabilise the frontal dune be sowing coastal wattle seeds.

By the 1980s this had become infested by invasive weed species such as Bitou bush. Since that time, The Holt Estate has employed a team of people to help eradicate weed species, rebuild and rehabilitate the frontal sand dune. The efforts were commended at the time via an award from government which recognised their success in stabilising the frontal dune.

We continue to manage this coastal vegetation, providing a stable frontal dune covered by a native vegetation community, minimising the opportunity for invasive species to return. We also cooperate with Sutherland Shire Council efforts to ensure that new species that are challenging the NSW coastline do not have the opportunity to establish themselves in the area.

A native plant nursery was built on site and this is used to propagate local native plant species for the rehabilitation of the foredune and other areas on the site. The nursery has used seeds and other propagules collected from original native vegetation occupying the frontal dunes.