The Kurnell Peninsula master plan


Respecting community


For over 160 years, the Holt family has had the honour of being an integral part of the Shire community, and it is our utmost priority to ensure that our plans give back to the community.

In preparing our master plan we have sought to:

  • Contribute to Council’s housing target, by contributing more than 4,000 homes over 20 years

  • Provide a mix of housing types that meet the needs of our current and future communities and address urban sprawl, including medium to high-rise apartments, duplexes and townhouses, and affordable rental housing

  • Support Shire residents to stay in their communities as they age, with dedicated seniors housing across independent living units and a residential aged care facility.

  • Boost the local economy by creating more than 2,000 local jobs in the tourism, aged care, education, cultural and retail sectors

  • Taking a landscape led approach to design, by dedicating two-thirds of the site to open space and regenerating the pre-colonial natural landscape.

  • Create a world-class tourism and cultural learning precinct to elevate the experience of and learning from Country.


Community consultation

In December 2023, we lodged our Planning Proposal with Council seeking approval to rezone our site to deliver a modern mixed-use community. This proposal was informed by deep consultation with Council, state government agencies, the Government Architect NSW and the local Aboriginal community.

As with all planning proposals, this was the first step in a long process to achieve our vision for Bidhiinja Beach.

Throughout 2024, we will continue to provide the community with information on our plans via this website. Future opportunities to learn more and provide feedback will also be promoted here.

Should our Planning Proposal be approved, Council will refer our proposal to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (formerly the Department of Planning and Environment) for further assessment.

Following this, the planning proposal will be put on Public Exhibition by Council where the community can view the proposal and make formal submissions. We expect this will occur in late 2024.

Should Council approve the rezoning, any future development would be subject to future development applications.


Click the links below to find out more


Contact the project team

We have commissioned Urbis Engagement to help answer your questions about our plans. You can contact the team on:

  • 1800 244 863
